jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

The new ICTs & Translation Competence

The translation now:

What are competence or translation competence?

This term is first used by Toury in the 80s, and it has been given the next meaning "the ability to carry out from comprehension of the source text to the re-expression of the target text.

Model of translation competence that is required to be able to translate:

1. Expert knowledge which is understood as Communicative Competence in two languages, including linguistic, discourse and sociolinguistics competence.

2. Extra-Linguistic Competence composed of general world knowledge and specialist knowledge.

3. Instrumental-Professional Competence composed of knowledge and skills related to the tools of the trade and the profession.

4. Psycho-Physiological Competence.

5. Transfer competence which is “the ability to complete the transfer process from the ST (source text) to the TT (target text).

6. Strategic Competence, which includes “all the individual procedures, conscious and unconscious, verbal and non-verbal, used to solve the problems found during the translation process”.

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