jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

The roll of ICT sector in expanding economic opportunity

Fundamental Role of ICT in modern economic

As we have seen, information and communications technologies help expand economic opportunity by enabling people to enhance their knowledge and skills, identify, apply and qualify for better paying jobs, use their disposable income more wisely, manage their own businesses efficiently, ICT also enhance capacity in industries and insstitutions of all kinds.

only in the past 20 years or so has a self conscious appreciation for the ICT sector's role in expanding economic opportunity emerged.

New & Expanding Markets  & The business case for engagement 
As i described above, ICTs increases efficiency, productivity and access to good services, informations and markets. Demand for those benefits is high if the righ complements can be put in place 

Economic Opportunity Obstacles ⇒ Geographic isolation, lack of competition and high prices for consumers, lack of competitions and low prices for producers, legal exclusion and social capital.

Innovation Blowback ⇒ Inonovation must not only be affordable, reliable and relevant it must potential to blow black 

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