jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

The role of ICT Sector in expanding economic opportunity

The role of ICT Sector in expanding economic opportunity:
Economic opportunity enables people to manage their assets in ways that generate incomes and options.

ICTs enable a wide range of economic opportunity benefits for users, and technological innovation is a key to accessibility. Business model innovations such as service partnerships, low-cost distribution systems and appropriate financing options are critical and it has become an useful tool to help people to get rich.

Innovation, develop and emerging markets can also drive innovation that must not only be affordable reliable.

Power skills connectivity content and low income households- ICT becomes cheaper and more powerful. Small medium sized enterprises are already increased large ICT companies.

Innovation blow back Technological and business model have the potential to blow back business strategies for the ICT sector in expanding economic opportunity technologies themselves have such significant potential for impact, and the most important way ict companies can expand economic opportunity is to get those technologies out there working.

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